The industry of journalism has enjoyed a state of relative consistency in the past century.  Now, however, the industry is at a point where it might not look the same as it does now in six months.  A lot can happen in six months.  An established newspaper could go under, a magazine might become an online-only venture, and new, innovative media will pop up while some others will vanish.  Essentially, this is a time where things are moving so fast in the industry that it can hardly keep up with itself.

Many journalists and news outlets are being forced to adopt new methods of packaging and delivering their messages to their audiences.  This can be difficult, especially if the journalist or outlet has been doing things one way for their entire career, never having been asked to evolve.

The great thing about being one of the journalists of tomorrow is that while everything is new, nothing is particularly foreign.  We have no habits to overcome in the interest of keeping up with the changing face of journalism.  We grew up with this kind of change.  Now, the challenge is not to see how well we successfully adopt the tools available, but rather it is to get good at finding where improvements can be made and how technology can be harnessed to better serve our audiences.

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