Archive for the 'journalism' Category

A blog can be a great tool to get the news out to your audience and doing it your way.  However, to do this, you must first build an audience. An audience does not magically appear just because a person starts a blog.  It can be hard work getting your name out there while first […]

One of the greatest assets available to the modern journalist is their audience.  With news and media becoming increasingly web-based and social, it is becoming more conversational, according to Briggs.  Audiences want to comment on published material, and there are great benefits to allowing them to do so. In some cases, they can be a […]

  GIS, or geographical information system, is something that I remember as a frustrating, tedious tool that my best friend and I always struggled within our high school oceanography class.  Usually, we resorted to copying data and operations from the smart girl who sat next to us, leaving us time to watch Youtube videos instead. […]

When I signed up for this workshop, it was because I needed to fill part of my workshop requirement for class, not because I fancied myself an MS Word greenhorn.  After all, I’d been using the program as long as I’ve been using word processing software, which is the greater part of my life.  Despite […]

Skillset #4

March 1, 2012 | 1 Comment

The lad perched on the bike in the second picture is my brother, not me.  He took it before I could even get home to see the motorcycle myself.

Mashable article by Lauren Indvik Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private who leaked hundreds of thousands of pieces of classified material to WikiLeaks, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Manning was arrested in May 2010 and was detained until formal charges were brought against him last week.  He is facing 22 charges, including […]

Briggs Chapter 6

February 23, 2012 | 1 Comment

Photos are a way of telling a story without ever picking up a pen or saying a word.  They add validity and life to a story by adding a visual element. While words can give an idea of what it was like to be somewhere, the photo shows them what it was like. However, producing […]


February 23, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Tl;dr is an acronym commonly used on websites like Reddit and 4chan that stands for “too long; didn’t read.”  It is also used as a preface for a brief summary of a longer statement to signify to those with short attention spans that reading the related statement will provide the basic gist of the longer […]

Briggs chapter 5

February 21, 2012 | 1 Comment

Since the advent of the printing press, great efforts have been made to made the written word more mobile and accessible to more people, all while saving money.  As the years have gone by, news has become more available to the consumer as well as easier for journalists to produce.  With the introduction of the […]

Pentax K-01

February 18, 2012 | 3 Comments

Article by Werd. Today, it seems that camera options are limited to two choices: small, sleek, but ultimately lacking in advanced functionality point-and-shoots, or ultra-adjustable, powerful, but clunky and heavy DSLRs.  The designers at Pentax (in collaboration with renowned designer Marc Newson) have created a camera that combines the best of these two things into […]

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