Briggs Chapter 2

February 13, 2012 | 1 Comment

Blogs are modern tools  that offer both the writer and the reader attractive benefits.  For the audience, blogs offer an outlet for news and recent innovations that focuses on a specific interest like sports, technology, cars, science, or pretty much any subject imaginable.  They allow the reader to voice their opinion through comments.  Since blogs are often written by a single author, readers can thereby expect a certain level of consistency not offered by other sources.

For the author, the reader’s benefits are translated into benefits for the writer.  A writer can focus on their own specific interests when keeping a blog, making publishing particularly fun.  Since audience members can comment on posts, the author can receive instant feedback on a story they’ve published and fix grammar mistakes, further clarify a point, and so on.  Since the blog belongs to the author, they can use their own voice and become what Briggs calls “an authority with a personality.”

While blogs sound like fun, maintaining a reputable blog requires considerable work.  Stories must be tailored for the blog platform, which means they are direct, succinct, and not entirely self contained.  This means that the use of hyperlinks is encouraged to give the reader additional sources and information

Any blog of significance is updated frequently and early in the day.  A blog is that isn’t frequently updated seems static and uninteresting, and if the reader feels this, they won’t hesitate to move on to a more prolific blog.  With RSS feeds, not having current information to write and comment on is no longer an excuse.

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